Number One

      Well, I can't say that I haven't given myself this lecture a million times over. 
     Some may say that my philosophy of life is unhealthy and downright pessimistic.
     That is not my intention.

      So, what then, is my intention?
      Uncovering the truth about why people fail in this world.
      Although some may fail at love while others at wealth and some at both. 
      There is only one true reason.
      The person in question did not look out for number one.

       Sure, it may sound depressing...but lets face it...
       Sooner or later the people you love will let you down.

       Whether they break your heart, steal your money or just disappoint you, they will eventually let you down.

       You cannot rely on anyone else to get you to the top either emotionally or economically.

       Sacrifice will leave you filled with regrets that pave the road to your ultimate death bed where you will lay and wonder...why didn't you do more for yourself?

        I am not writing to convince anyone it is better to be alone. 
        It is no better to be alone than it is to be dead.

        It's just a message encouraging the stance that while love is a beautiful thing, one should never lose oneself on account of another.
        It doesn't matter if that person is a lover, family or a friend.

        Because eventually....they will let you down and uproot your universe and you will find yourself covered in the wreckage...alone and confused.

       Then you have to choose.

       You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember.
       You can leave with your body intact, but leaving your heart behind so that when you remember the will remember the wreckage as the once beautiful mansion.
       Then you'll clean up the mess, try to make it resemble what it used to be and allow it to promise to stay the way you want it.
        You will do this...until the cycle repeats itself over and over again. will choose just to move on. 

       You will have thoughts of vengeance  in a moment of anger and sadness.
        But you will learn...that alone will never be enough as long as you keep the person in your mind...they control you.

        Revenge is a road well traveled that leads to nowhere.
        Justice is a word that only exists in a fairy tale universe, in which we have no part.

        Getting even is sweet, indeed.
        But, if you want to get yourself a favor...make yourself so happy you'll forget why you were ever miserable in the first place.




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