
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Tap Out

I'm probably am going to regret this post. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I already do...but...FUCK IT. Excuse me for being there for you. Excuse me for putting all my real thoughts aside to let you vent for months and months. Excuse me for reaching out. While you never pick up the phone in turn. Excuse me for trying to be the kind of friend I would want. Excuse me for not being ecstatic while you ruined the day leading up to my wedding to go on and on about how great your guy is and how you are going to marry him. Never mind my wedding was 11 years in the making and I wanted everyone to celebrate and focus on me. Okay, maybe that was selfish, but was my bachelorette party....and my wedding. The one time in a woman's life that the focus SHOULD be on her. I just ignored it while everyone else asked if it bothered me because it sure as hell bothered them. I told them you are my best friend and if you are happy, then I am happy. Although this is true. I ...