A brain with expandable storage?

As of late, I am faced with the dilemma of having a worse time remembering things. Whether they be important or not, the fact remains...it's paralyzing.

There was a point in my life I could recall pages and pages of dialogue without a second thought. Dates, places, battles, and even some Amendments to the Constitution. (Lets face it: I have no life) And now I'm lucky to remember a word or what the heck I was doing...or that I have food in the oven...

I don't know if it is the stress at work or the stress of returning to school in the Fall, but something is amiss. 

I've been in denial for a few months, but truthfully, I know...my memory is getting worse. 

What plagues me is that, while I may possess many great things in my life, I cannot be definied as wealthy. With the exception of memories. These are the things I always held onto with such pride. I once believed that those memories are the one thing that can't be taken from us, but alas, I now feel differently.

I would go into details of certain loving memories that have been getting harder and harder to recall, but as you can probably guess...I can't. I do know they involve my grandparents, aunts and moments with Eric, moments that he has to paint a full picture of for me to even have the slightest idea. The most saddening was that I forgot many milestones in our relationship.

But, please guys...please don't fret.

Apparently, it's not uncommon or anything to worry about, the brain damage that the seizures have done have made it more difficult to recall things. According to everyone I talk to it is perfectly normal. What isn't normal is that my seizures have (thankfully) become less frequent, yet my memory worsens.

I am going to attempt to work my brain more and hopefully I will see an improvement. 

I'm re-reading my history books and the recommended readings from Dr. Soldani's American History class, I think that should make me work those useless brain muscles!

Other than that, I'm doing well. I'm going to be going back to school in the Fall, and am attempting to gain entry into the History Honor's Program. All that really remains is to find a professor to sponser me and a really good thesis idea. .... NOPE ....STILL DRAWING A BLANK! 

But, I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm going to keep going and forcing myself to overstep these minor setbacks....probably by punching them in the hyndering face!

As for my husband, he couldn't be happier and is very pleased that I'm going to be returing to school. I can't work retail forever...trust me...you wouldn't want me to....for my mental health and your safety...it's best for everybody!

Well, that's it for now folks! I'm gonna go...attempt to remember what I was about to do...oh yeah...sleep! LOL!!!! 


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